Sunday, May 01, 2011

the warmth

Hello my blog readers. As seasons change, I like to go through my closet. I have one rule: If I haven't worn something in a year, it goes. I usually sell it or give it to Kelsey. This means more room for new stuff to trade (at a consignment store).

On my wish list:

1. lightweight scarves with fun prints
2. golden aviators
3. no break in my budget

What else is on the menu for summer? 
Lightweight fragrance (that I already have). Victoria's Secret Cashmere Vanilla Jasmine

And minimal makeup, with pink lip stains: (Revlon)

Also, this little scrublet will change the way you think about washing your face. It's uber-soft and rubbery and gets every trace of dirt, oil, and makeup out of your pores. It's quite the invention.