Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Some things in life take ages to decide, literally. Do I want kids? What do I want to be when I grow up? Do I like warm palettes or cool palettes? Do I want to get married? Am I a hipster? Do I want a tattoo? Do I like tea or coffee?

BUT today I just decided within 12 seconds of my existence that I WILL have a welsh terrier puppy and I will raise it to be an amazing and adorable welsh terrier dog. My family has had two welsh terriers and an airdale terrier - so I'm a bit biased.

I will love him and feed him and run around with him and snuggle him. I will pick the balls of snow off of his furr in the winter time and throw leaves on him and chase squirrels with him. He will be spoiled, rotten, and perfect!