When I was sixteen and seventeen, I journaled a lot. Mostly this was used venting out my teenage angst or gushing about a first date or wondering what my future will be like. To this day I'm still glad I wrote so often. I like to look back and read my journals because they remind me of how much I have changed, as well as how I haven't. Some things I've learned are:
How you treat others is usually a direct reflection of how you feel about yourself. It took a long time to figure this out.
If something doesn't feel right, it's not
You shouldn't have to work so hard on relationships. If they don't come easily, they might not be right for you.
Sleep for eight hours!!
Wear colorful flats
Take lots of trips, travel often. Its makes you richer. Don't become complacent in life.
Scarves are one of the best accessories.
Give gifts to others, just because. Even hand written cards and letters can make someone's week.
Sometimes your family doesn't know what's best for you or treat you like you should be treated. It's important to surround yourself with positive people who bring out the best in you.
Marriage isn't for everybody. If you can't see it in your future, it's okay if it's not for you.
my summer.
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