Saturday, November 23, 2013

great fall color

Essie "After School Boy Blazer" 

Friday, November 22, 2013

Live (and learn) in love.

Some things we learn from relationships - by justmytype
1. Invest in the people who invest in you. Choose your tribe wisely.
2. Don’t wait to tell people how you feel about them. Tell them now. And if you feel the same tomorrow, tell them tomorrow too.
3. In everything in life, all you have control over is how hard you tried and if you acted with grace and integrity. So take a risk, jump in with two feet, do whatever it takes to fight for what you want – so at the end, you know you tried your best. Conduct yourself with self-respect no matter how challenging the person or situation is – because the one thing nobody can ever take away from you is your dignity.
4. People become what you believe of them. See someone for the best of them, and they will rise up. 
5. Allow people to feel. Encourage people to express. Embrace humaness. The uncomfortable conversations are the ones that build self-awareness and character.
6. If you approach with empathy and an intent to understand versus the need to prove wrong, you will always win.
7.  There is someone out there that will find you perfect just the way you are – your imperfections, wounds and quirks included. Work on yourself to be the best version of yourself you can be, keep an open heart and your intentions pure, and you will attract abundance and love.
8. “Be a nice human.” – Unknown.  Approach life and the people that cross your path with the intention to enrich and contribute. Do this everyday and you will have a baseline of peace and joy regardless of how tumultuous your world is.
9. When someone evokes negative emotions in you – before you assign blame, look inward. People can only trigger something that is already within you. The universe puts people in our path to test us, to trigger us, to give us opportunities to evolve past our old wounds, blockages and insecurities. If you can learn the lesson from these catalysts, you will evolve. Or, you can choose to keep repeating your karma.

    Wednesday, November 13, 2013

    hop onto the "being human" bandwagon

    This website,, is the extremely powerful and interesting. I know we tend to believe things we are feeling at the time, so perhaps that is it. But everything on the site speaks to me - from relationships, to kindness, friendships, family, work life, etc.

    One article drew my eye, particularly because I know people who are like this: addicted to happiness. I am one of them at times. The premise is to stop trying to be happy, and start being human. Some of us bury ourselves in work, ignore negative emotions, try to constantly be around people to not feel lonely, to constantly check media, numb any sort of pain, etc. I believe some of these tactics are useful and healthy. However, it's important to allow yourself to fail and to feel.
    Some of the most trying times in my life were also the most liberating in terms of knowing who I am, what I am capable of, my personal strength, and what I stand for.

    "Instead of chasing happiness, I think it is more important to be content. Equally important is building the skill to get back to equilibrium when your emotions are triggered. This is the difference between responding to emotions versus allowing your emotions to rule you. Allow yourself to feel – the good, the bad and the ugly. Embrace it. It is the whole gamut of human emotions that makes life beautiful, deep and profound. And if you’re not vibrating on a happy high, don’t be so quick to judge yourself that something is wrong with you. There is no one right way. Everything has its time. Everything has its place."

    Monday, November 11, 2013

    she doesn't know this yet

    but Anna Kendrick is my soul-sister

    My anxiety over misreading that handshake-or-hug moment takes up way too much space in my brain.

    the weather outside is frightful

    thus, hot yummy drinks!