Sunday, May 05, 2013

There are many things in life to celebrate, so here's a fun twist to a healthy dessert!
Banana pops!

tips here: bakers royale

Speaking of being thankful, I read an article by Anna Edwards about daily commandments and how they impact us as happy people. She writes, "There's no scientific answer to being virtuous, but the key thing is to have some kind of list on which to flex our ethical muscles. It reminds us that we all need to work at being good, just as we work at anything else that really matters." The list she refers to has the ten commandments for everyday people whom want to strive to be their best selves. Attributes to keep in mind and work on are resilience, empathy, patience, sacrifice, forgiveness, politeness, humor, self-awareness, hope, and confidence. To me, the article was moving and reaffirmed my beliefs : ) 

How can you not love this sweet face?